Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekend Sewing

I did a bit of sewing this weekend. Not as much as I would have liked, but at least I was able to sit down and sew just a bit. I finished a cute dress for my Granddaughter, and while I was happy with the overall outfit, I was not happy with the way the arm binding went in. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, or if I should just use bias tape the next time. I'm in the middle of sewing a simple blouse for myself (McCalls 5882), and I'm at the point of doing the arm bindings for that outfit. Twice I started to pin them in backwards and had to fix it. I just sewed the first part in last night, but then the Oscars came on and I put everything down to go watch! So, hopefully tonight I'll finish the blouse and see how the armholes actually go. It's baby steps getting back into sewing! And I took nice pictures of the baby outfit, but they are still on my camera! So I will post pictures later this week. Hopefully with pictures and notes from the finished blouse as well.

And, I have that Belgium beer still in the carboy getting ready to bottle. I think it's time to test it this week and maybe (hopefully) bottle it over the weekend. Yes, it does cut into my sewing time, but I love brewing beer and it's time to get this one bottled and work on a recipe for the next one. I'm going to inventory what hops and grains we have and then see what would be best to brew next!

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