Saturday, April 26, 2008


I just got back from my long run. It went well, but it was warmer out. Okay, it was only 75 degrees out, but since last week it was only 60 later in the day, this seemed really hot! But, I'm glad I did it. I'm trying to keep up my running and I'm actually going back to running in the morning some days before work. So that feels really good! And I'm also reading more as well. I'm trying to finish the big pile of books I have by my bed. Especially the older ones and the ones I started oh. . .a year or two ago! Maybe it's my type of a spring cleaning!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Books & Doctors

I've actually been reading at a decent pace again. I just finished another book from my tbr pile - "Grave Secrets." I liked the book and actually look forward to the next one in the series. I've also been running, which I really enjoy. But I went to the doctor's office last week to see a specialist about my knee. I can run fine with a brace (and every once in a while it gives me trouble midweek), but I wanted to see if I could run without it. Well, that doctor is "not a fan" of running since it's really hard on the body (knees, hips, etc.) and would prefer that I try to do more biking and swimming. But, if I want to continue to run, he's sending me to physical therapy to try and strengthen the muscle around the knee and told me to continue to wear the brace and use advil as necessary. And that some day it will just hurt too much to run. So, I just figured that means I need to continue to wear the brace and that since I don't use any pain medications now, I'm in pretty good shape. He even said my x-ray looked really good. But, others in my family had different ideas and gave me a hard time about wanting to continue and keeping up my long distances. So, for him I said I would cut back from my weekend runs. And when I did a mile less today, he said he never asked me to cut down :-/ I give! Oh well. It was much warmer this morning anyhow, so doing 6.25 instead of 7.1 is not such a bad thing. Especially since I was able to run three times midweek. But we'll see next week. I need to go to an evening function for my work on Thursday (and I just realized last night that all of my dresses are too cocktail-ish for a work function - so I need a new dress!), so I may not be able to run three times mid-week next week. So, maybe I'll do my 7 miles again on the weekend! We'll just have to wait and see.