Monday, March 05, 2012

Shamrock Dress

This weekend was fairly busy. I did my run (yeah!), went to Hangar 24 for a celebration (good beer!), and did quite a bit of sewing. I finished (except for the velcro closures) the shamrock dress for my granddaughter. I thought it turned out cute! I used the same pattern as the daisy dress.

I also did a bit of muslin fittings for my two dresses. For the vintage dress, I did a size up (I'm between two sizes) and since it's a wrap around, it fit fine. So, on to the work dress. That one I have the smaller size, so I had to do a bit of letting out. I did that, and it was too much! So, I pinned what I thought should be taken back in to the regular seam allowance and tried it on again.

Once I did that, it seemed to fit well with just enough space for movement. So I spent the next two hours carefully laying out the pattern and cutting out the dress and full lining. I'm really nervous about sewing this one, but I'm happy about it as well. And maybe over the weekend (my birthday weekend) I'll be able to sew the vintage dress since I just received an email saying the fabric has been sent! I should have a lot to post next week!!

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