Monday, March 01, 2010


I just got back from the doctor's office. Two months of going every two weeks to check my blood pressure. After altering my diet just a little (I added more vegetables and cut back on my red meat) and trying to add some relaxation techniques (I already do enough exercise) to try and get my blood pressure down I finally had to give in today and start going on some medicine :-( It's the lowest dose and I start tomorrow - to be checked again in two weeks (plus on my own at home). The semi-positive news is that the doctor said if I wasn't doing all of this stuff I would probably have really high blood pressure and be on a lot more medicine. And the good news, well, the doctor said that normally she would tell patients with my level of blood pressure to try and lose some weight first, but she said I don't have any weight to lose :-) That's really nice to hear from a doctor's office!

In the meantime, they told me to just pay attention to my body for the next few days while it gets used to the medicine. I already worked it so tomorrow is an off day on running, and we'll see how it goes for Wednesday. If I feel good it will be the full five miles. Otherwise, I want to do at least 3.1!

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