I feel like I'm behind on everything right now! It took us almost 6 weeks to bottle the honey ale. But the reading were really good and so is the taste (so far). But it's done and bottled and now we're getting the yeast starter done for the next hef. And I went to get a Belgium, and there were only three small bottles left in the pantry! So, I went to order the supplies to make another next week, and the website is down. Oh well. One day later for that as well! I also want to get my exercises done, but I keep putting them off or only doing one type and calling it quits. I need to get up off my behind and get back going. Not to mention my online class is taking a lot of time as well. And I feel like I'm behind with it because every week we have to post on the discussion board and then take an online test - but the test isn't even available until tomorrow morning! And I've read the chapter, done the pre-tests, completed the online homework (that doesn't get turned in), and yet I feel like I'm behind. I guess I don't like thing left undone! Oh well. On the running side I'm still keeping up with that. I signed up for the Women's Nike half-marathon lottery. The race is in October, but you have to sign up now and then they draw names by the end of the month. We tried last year and didn't make it in, but we're hoping for this year!